The aim of the investigation was to determine the prevalence of T. gondii among a domestic cat population in an urban area in Olsztyn. In total, 135 serum samples of cats collected in several veterinary outpatient clinics in Olsztyn were examined by direct agglutination assay. The Toxo-Screen DA BioMerieux commercial test detected anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies. The results of studies indicated that cats bred under different conditions in the city of Olsztyn have contact with various forms of invasive T. gondii. The high percentage of seropositive results at a 1:40 dilution (65.9%) suggests a past infection, and the high percentage of seropositive cases at a 1:4000 dilution (68,1%) indicates a current or recent toxoplasmosis process. This could indicate that there is a permanent source of T. gondii infection in the habitable environment of the cats. The high percentage of T. gondii seropositive results among domestic cats in Olsztyn proves the presence of circulation of the parasite in the environment.
It is generally considered that modern neurology was born in the 19th century, which was a period of rapid development of various branches of knowledge. However, it should be noted that neurological disease and therapies of such illnesses have been described since ancient times. Examples include the descriptions of neurological diseases and trepanning in ancient Egyptian papyruses or apoplexy and rabies in the works of Hippocrates - often referred to as the "Father of Medicine".
W latach 60 XX wieku narodziła się nowa dyscyplina wiedzy – ekonomika weterynaryjna, która wg Swobody (20), bada z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia podstawowe prawidłowości i metody kierowania, planowania, finansowania oraz przeprowadzania zabiegów weterynaryjnych w zakresie profilaktyki, terapii i higieny zwierząt. W tym celu wykorzystuje ona ekonomiczne prawa i ich konkretne zastosowania w rolnictwie, produkcji środków spożywczych i ochronie zdrowia